Local Ice Cream Truck Serves a Dish of Selfishness

Details of Softie Whirl Ice Cream truck issues from July 4th events.

Joshua Roberts

7/30/20222 min read


A complaint was made to borough Council at the July committee meeting regarding an ice cream truck vendor. The East Pete Events Committee sought Council's guidance to prevent this vendor, and any other, from causing similar disruptions at future events.


During the July 4th events this summer, a Softie Whirl (edited from Mr. Softee) ice cream truck parked itself in front of the community center/park area. They were not part of the arranged events, otherwise they would have been inside the reserved area for vendors. Keep in mind, these vendors pay an entry fee to the Events Committee. It was also noted that the ice cream truck was displaying an expired county permit. At the committee meeting, it could not be determined which type of permit it was.

When approached, the operator of the Softie Whirl ice cream truck is reported to have become extremely aggressive and defiant, arguing that he had a right to be on a public street. He also is reported to have turned up his music to a much higher level in response throughout the evening and threatened to "stay all night if he wanted".

Now, it is true that the food trucks can be on a public street. The borough doesn't have any licensure type of ordinances to regulate this.

The issue is two-fold:

  1. Softie Whirl's ice cream truck vendor is basically ripping off the borough's Events Committee. The Events Committee doesn't get rich off of vendor fees, they merely help to defray some costs. While I don't know their financial details, I know from volunteering that the overall goal of the committee is to at least break even, plus a little more to improve each year. By parking in front, the vendor evaded the fees, taking advantage of the advertising and press of our event.

  2. Softie Whirl's ice cream truck vendor is ripping off other vendors. In speaking to some local food truck operators, they tell me that every dollar counts these days. There is a set number that they have to work towards for each event to make it worthwhile. When another vendor comes in and pilfers customers before they even set foot in the park, especially without paying an entrance fee, they're screwing over fellow food truck operators. It's selfish and contrary to how we want our local businesses treated.

    Council will work with the Events Committee to develop a plan for future events, such as blocking off parking in certain areas, or other legal measures to be determined. In the meantime, please do not patronize these types of vendors that are outside of the designated area in the park. They're stealing business away from legitimate vendors and nobody can vouch for their food safety ahead of time. We have several food trucks, such as Scoops Ice Cream, who have been coming to our events faithfully for years, let's help them continue to succeed!